Brow Lift
A Brow Lift Procedure (also known most commonly as an endoscopic brow lift or ‘endo brow’) is designed to reposition the eyebrow, often in conjunction with an Upper Blepharoplasty. Ageing changes in the face are reflected by the lower position of the eyebrow and can contribute to heavy upper eyelids contacting the eyelashes. With time, the brow drops from its normal position (brow ‘ptosis’) to give the appearance of tiredness and lowering of the upper eyelids. A brow lift procedure aims to lift the position of the forehead and brow and may also enhance the results of an Upper Blepharoplasty.
You would need a careful assessment to determine whether you need:
- A brow lift, in addition to a blepharoplasty, or whether a blepharoplasty alone is needed. It is unusual to need only a Brow Lift without any reference to the upper eyelid.
- And which technique is most appropriate for you according to several factors including age, hairline position etc.
He is knowledgeable, confident, competent, compassionate and above all kind
Endoscopic Brow Lift
This is the commonest procedure – it takes place through small incisions high in the hairline. The tissues of the forehead are lifted in a deep layer all the way to the eyebrow. It has been common practice to remove the muscle between the eyebrows through this approach, to decrease furrowing afterwards, but these days a non-destructive technique is generally preferred – because these frown lines can be well-controlled with Botox injections. The soft tissues are then retracted backwards and held in position against the bone of the forehead. This is usually done by using special sutures under the skin, but occasionally small screws are needed – which are removed after a week, in outpatients. Commercial absorbable devices can be used to secure the lifted tissues but increase the cost of the procedure and can become displaced and can be felt for up to 15 months. One can also use dissolvable sutures (which take a few months to dissolve) placed into special holes created in the bone.
Removing a crescent-shaped section of scalp behind the hairline on each side at the access incision location can help with the amount of lift achieved.
Get in touch
To arrange a consultation please contact Serryth Colbert on 01225 838869